March 2016
My project 'Goud!' is one of the 17 nominees to receive funding for the NAM Mediaproject. It's a public voting...the winner will receive funding to realize the project.. Will you help me to reach my goal? All you have to do is vote on my project, no registration needed, just one click and i'm happy :-)
Sharing is caring....this is the link:
May 2015
New sketches, update gallery
March 2015
Ok beste mensen, het is tijd voor nieuw werk en een grote atelieropruiming. Daarom ga ik op vrijdag 6 maart tussen 15.00 en 19.00 mijn eerder gemaakt werk tegen atelierprijs verkopen. Wat dat is? Kom maar langs!
August 2014
Photo's/ Film (small piece filmed from the audience) by Theun of Seacrets II live at the Noorderzon Performing Artsfestival Groningen.
We will perform Seacrets II at the Noorderzon Performing Artsfestival.
'Reggie revitalizes cinematic history by processing existing historical pictures to create new images in a new context. Seacrets II is the visual representation of Reggie’s poetic view of the world, accompanied by live music by Kinetophone, especially composed for this work.'
Dates: 27 & 28th August at the Desdemona Tent. The show will start at 21.15 with the film D.E.A.L from Fedde Hoekstra and after a small break Seacrets II will start. Check out for more info & tickets.
'Reggie revitalizes cinematic history by processing existing historical pictures to create new images in a new context. Seacrets II is the visual representation of Reggie’s poetic view of the world, accompanied by live music by Kinetophone, especially composed for this work.'
Dates: 27 & 28th August at the Desdemona Tent. The show will start at 21.15 with the film D.E.A.L from Fedde Hoekstra and after a small break Seacrets II will start. Check out for more info & tickets.
Februari 2014
Met als grande finale de film ‘Seacrets #1′ van Regina Broersma, van livemuziek voorzien door Kinetophone, een band die het gebrek aan Nederlandse optredens van The Cinematic Orchestra compenseert. Broersma beloofde een vertoning van abstracte beelden, deels vers geschoten, deels opgediept uit de Groninger Archieven. We kregen een aangrijpend auditief spektakel over aarzelend in het diepe springen, de sloop van Oterdum en een voorbije jeugd in wat tegenwoordig de krimpregio Eemsmond Delta heet.
Joep van Ruiten, Dagblad van het Noorden (08/02/2014)
(onderstaande foto's zijn gemaakt door Martin J.A Lambeek -
Joep van Ruiten, Dagblad van het Noorden (08/02/2014)
(onderstaande foto's zijn gemaakt door Martin J.A Lambeek -
December 2013
I'm working on a filmproject where i will create artwork & visuals for a performance that will play in February 2014.
The title of the project is 'Seacrets #1' and i will work together with the musicians of Kinetophone.
Also i've made some new photoworks which i will probably integrate in the filmperformance. A sneak preview:
The title of the project is 'Seacrets #1' and i will work together with the musicians of Kinetophone.
Also i've made some new photoworks which i will probably integrate in the filmperformance. A sneak preview:
New projects in 2013!
In 2013 i will work on artwork/ visuals which will be shown during a music-tour. Updates will follow when i've something to show you.
Also i'm working on a concept of filmwork and live-performance which will hopefully show at the beginning of 2014.
A very good, loving and inspiring 2013 for everyone!
Also i'm working on a concept of filmwork and live-performance which will hopefully show at the beginning of 2014.
A very good, loving and inspiring 2013 for everyone!